Let It Ride Casino Game

Let It Ride Casino Game

Let It Ride is a popular casino game that combines elements of poker and blackjack. The game is easy to learn, with players trying to make the best possible five-card poker hand by combining three cards dealt to them by the dealer and two community cards that are turned up in the middle of the table, similar to a Texas Hold’em game. In this article, we will go through everything you need to know about Let It Ride casino game!

What is the Let It Ride Casino Game?

In Let It Ride, players use a standard 52-card deck and aim to win on all bets on the table. The game is a variation of Poker and players are dealt five cards, two of which are “community” cards that can be used by all players to form a five-card hand.

The dealer deals these community cards face down and players have the opportunity to withdraw one-third of their initial bet twice if they are not satisfied with their cards. Unlike other casino games, players play against themselves rather than the house or the dealer.

The dealer does not have a hand in the game and players win by having a pair of tens or higher in their five-card hand. The objective of the game is to minimize losses and maximize winnings.

How to Play Let It Ride Casino Game?

  1. Start by placing three equal bets on the table. These bets are referred to as the “ante,” “play” and “bonus” bets.
  2. The dealer will then deal each player five cards, including two community cards. These community cards will be dealt face down.
  3. Look at your cards and decide whether to pull back one of your three bets (the “ante” or “play” bet) or to “let it ride.”
  4. The dealer will then reveal one of the community cards.
  5. Again, look at your cards and decide whether to pull back your second bet or to “let it ride.”
  6. The dealer will then reveal the final community card.
  7. The dealer will then compare each player’s five-card hand to the paytable. If your hand is a pair of tens or higher, you win.
  8. If your hand is a winning hand, you will be paid out according to the paytable.
  9. If your hand is not a winning hand, you will lose your bets.
  10. After the round is over, the game starts again with players placing their bets.

Note: It’s important to check the paytable and the house rules before starting the game, as they can vary depending on the casino or online platform you are playing on.

Decision Making: Pulling back bets or Letting it Ride

One of the key elements of Let It Ride is the decision-making process involved in determining whether to pull back a bet or to “let it ride.” This decision can greatly impact the outcome of the game and players must carefully consider their options before making a move.

After the initial five cards have been dealt, including the two community cards, players have the opportunity to pull back their “ante” or “play” bet. This means that the player can choose to take back one-third of their initial bet, leaving the remaining two-thirds in play. This move is useful for players who are not satisfied with their hands and want to minimize their potential losses.

Once the first community card has been revealed, players again have the opportunity to pull back their second bet, or to “let it ride.” This decision is based on the combination of the player’s own cards and the revealed community card, and the decision must be made quickly as the game moves on.

Players who choose to “let it ride” are essentially saying that they are satisfied with their hand and are willing to risk their remaining bets for the chance to win a larger payout. This decision is a bit of a gamble as the final community card has not yet been revealed and the player’s hand could still change.

Players who choose to pull back their second bet will have one-third of their initial bet remaining in play. This move can minimize potential losses but also reduces the chances of winning a larger payout.

It’s important to note that the decision to pull back bets or to let it ride should be based on a player’s own personal strategy and comfort level. It’s also important to take into account the paytable and the potential payout for different winning hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the objective of Let It Ride?

The objective of Let It Ride is to win on all the bets on the table by holding a pair of Tens or better in your five-card hand.

How many cards are dealt in Let It Ride?

In Let It Ride, five cards are dealt to each player, with two of these cards being “community” cards that everyone at the table can use as part of their five-card hand.

How many opportunities do players have to pull back their bets in Let It Ride?

In Let It Ride, players have two opportunities to withdraw one-third of their initial three-part bet. The first opportunity is after the initial five cards have been dealt with, and the second opportunity is after the first community card has been revealed.

Is the dealer involved in the game Let It Ride?

The dealer is not involved in playing the game of Let It Ride, and does not receive a hand in this game. The dealer’s role is to deal the cards and community cards.

What is the minimum hand required to win in Let It Ride?

The minimum hand required to win in Let It Ride is a pair of Tens or better.

Is there a strategy for maximizing winnings in Let It Ride?

Yes, there are strategies for maximizing winnings in Let It Ride, such as knowing when to pull back bets, when to let it ride, and understanding the paytable for different winning hands.

Are there any variations of Let It Ride?

Yes, there are variations of Let It Ride that have been introduced by different casinos, with different rules and payouts.


Let It Ride is a very exciting and rewarding game that requires players to make strategic decisions in order to maximize their winnings. Careful consideration of the paytable, the player’s cards, and the revealed community cards will help players make the most of their bets. With its potential for big payouts and easy-to-understand rules, Let It Ride is sure to be a hit at any casino or gaming establishment. Enjoy playing the Let it Ride Casino Game! Happy gambling!

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